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Welcome to the Employees' Association of SDG&E
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Welcome to the Employees' Association Site.
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The Employees’ Association of San Diego Gas & Electric (EA) does not endorse nor is affiliated with the organizations advertised. EA is not responsible for lost tickets once delivered through Company mail or via US mail.
The EA Ticket-Sellers (TS) will accept cash and checks from members for purchases. All other purchases are to be made on the EA Online Store at As of January 31, 2020, all sales are deemed final. There will be no credit, exchanges or refunds except for extreme extenuating circumstances. No tickets purchased are for resale. However, special event tickets purchased can be transferred to others.
Ticket prices are subject to change without notice. Ticket availability is limited to those tickets on hand. There is a $10.00 service charge for any returned checks.
If your check has not been cleared within 60 days, please contact Darleen Evans at 858-654-8277.
Expiration dates:
Some tickets may have expiration dates. These tickets must be used prior to the expiration date, after which they are no longer valid. Expired tickets have no value; therefore, refunds and exchanges are not available.
Date specific events and other restrictions:
There are some tickets and special events that are valid ONLY for a specific time period or otherwise contain restrictions in their usage. These restrictions are clearly noted in the detailed description of the item. Please be aware that these tickets are not valid outside these restrictions. Refunds and exchanges are not available.
Sign up to hear from us about specials, sales, and events.
Please send an email to:
Please contact Evalette Bennett for questions regarding movie tickets, D&B cards, See's certificates and theme park codes at
8330 Century Park Court CP31E, San Diego, California 92123, United States
Evalette Bennett at (858) 654-1240
Copyright © 2019 Employees' Association of SDG&E - All Rights Reserved.
Found an out of date or expired offer?
If you discover that any of these listed offers are no longer valid, especially the ongoing discounts, send a note to with the subject line [Expired Employee Discounts].